Journey summer school of journalism invites international students for the 8th time

Ten days among the world’s top journalists are awaiting for the participants of Journey: Journalism Bootcamp 2023. This international summer school is designed for students of journalism and related fields from the Czech Republic and twelve other countries. Applications are now open until May 7. Successful candidates will receive a full scholarship from the Bakala Foundation covering all costs, including tuition, accommodation, travel expenses or meals.

Since the program began in 2015, one of the building blocks of Journey has been its international, multicultural environment. It brings together students from different countries to work together on journalism projects, share their experiences and build contacts that they will use in their future careers. At the same time, students learn from seasoned professionals from the world’s top media outlets such as CNN, The New Yorker, and agencies such as Reuters, Bloomberg and the Associated Press.


What Journey participants can look forward to

As every year, there is an attractive program consisting of lectures and workshops, as well as practical exercises. The lectures are given by renowned professionals from the world of journalism, who will teach students about current trends and examples of best practice in modern journalism.

Emphasis is also given to the practical application of knowledge, participants will try out, for example, a simulation of working in a newsroom, create written and audiovisual reports from the field, or learn how to proceed in reporting an emergency news story in the event of an unexpected event. All this with the support of experienced mentors who will advise and provide feedback on the students’ work.


Who is Journey for

Journalism and other students who demonstrate a strong motivation to become a journalist can apply. Ideal candidates also have a strong background in journalism and published work behind them. Participation is open to students from a total of 13 countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, the UK and the USA. This year, for the first time, also Moldova and Georgia.

A good knowledge of English is essential as it is the working language of the whole program.

Applicants fill in an online application form, which includes, among others, a motivation letter or a short written text on a given topic. The application must be submitted by May 7, 2023 at the latest. The expert jury will select the strongest candidates from the applications received and invite them to Prague on 5 – 15 August 2023 to take part in the 8th iteration of Journey in the beautiful premises of Villa Grébovka. All costs of the successful candidates’ participation will be covered by the Bakala Foundation.


Further information and the application form can be found on the programme website: