Scholarship from Bakala Foundation once again opens doors to universities abroad for talented Czech students

Many talented students dream of studying at a university abroad. However, they often face the insurmountable hurdle of the excessive costs associated with fulfilling the dream. A sholarship provides a way to overcome the financial obstacle and study abroad without incurring a substantial debt. For the 14th time, the Bakala Foundation has declared its Scholarship program open. The program provides financial support for students headed for bachelor’s or master’s studies at universities abroad. It has been alleviating the financial burden of studying at foreign universities since 2010.

The program is open to students, 33 or younger, of Czech nationality, or those with a permanent residency in the Czech Republic. Applications are sought from students who wish to study at a university abroad, but who cannot afford the cost of the studies using their own or family’s financial resources. Applications close on January 18, 2023.

“With the Scholarship program, students can pursue their chosen studies under the tutelage of world-renowned authorities in their respective fields at leading universities in the UK, USA and other countries. The selection of the field of study, country and university is entirely up to the student. Our role is to support the student in their academic pursuits,” says Jana Wittbergerová, manager of the Scholarship program. “For many students, obtaining a scholarship is the only way in which they can fulfil their dream of studying abroad.”

Starting this year, the selection process will take place over three rounds. In the first round, a committee will read and evaluate the applications. In the second round, the applicants’ financial eligibility (need for financial support) will be assessed. Successful applicants will be invited in the third round for an interview with a panel of experts. The interviews will take place in June 2023. Applicants will be notified of the outcome after the conclusion of all the interviews.

Students considering studies abroad who would like to have more information about the actual possibilities can take advantage of the Study Abroad Guide compiled by the Bakala Foundation team. The guide contains detailed information about study opportunities in 12 different countries.

Additional information is also available at informative lectures and seminars held at the Bakala Foundation’s Student Hub in Prague 1 – Malá Strana. The lectures and seminars can also be accessed online. The foundation also offers free advice to students interested in studying abroad.

Over the existence of its Scholarship program, the Bakala Foundation has already supported almost 200 eligible young people studying at 57 universities all over the world. The total amount of financial support provided has already exceeded CZK 167m. With their dedication and talent, scholarship recipients become experts in their fields, be it scientific research, medicine, education, culture, technology, politics or mathematics, or other specializations. What the recipients all share is a determined motivation and an equally strong ambition to contribute to society through their education and work.


The application form and further information about Scholarship 2023 is available at