Do you want to experience a year or two studying at an American or British high school? Would you like to get a sense of what living in another country is like and improve your English? Apply for the ASSIST & HMC scholarship program, enabling active secondary school students to study for a year in the USA or for two years in the United Kingdom. 


Applications will be re-opened in September 2023.


Who Can Apply?

  • First and second year Czech secondary school students with a high level of English proficiency and excellent school results (the Davis Scholarship is also available to 9th grade primary school students).
  • Students interested in studying for either a year or two years at prestigious American and British high schools.
  • Talented, motivated, and independent young people who quickly adapt and thrive in a new environment.



Scholarships Offered

A Year in the USA

In cooperation with ASSIST – American Secondary Schools for International Students and Teachers and their network of 80+ private American schools, we offer a one-year scholarship program at private high schools in the USA. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board at a boarding school, or tuition and housing with an American volunteer host family at a day school. The scholarship does not cover the ASSIST administrative fee, travel costs, visa, insurance, or any personal expenses. For more information about the ASSIST scholarship click here.

Two Years in the UK

Together with the HMC – Headmasters’ & Headmistresses’ Conference, we offer a two-year study program at prestigious private schools in the UK. Founded in 1869, HMC is the oldest association of headmasters and headmistresses of British independent schools. It currently boasts 243 member schools. The scholarship covers tuition, room, and board. The administrative fee, and travel costs are not covered by the scholarship. For more information about the HMC scholarship click here.

Davis International Scholarship

The Davis International Scholars program offers two- to three-year study programs leading up to graduation at one of six Davis member boarding schools in the USA. This program is available to students of the 9th grade of primary schools and first year of secondary schools. Should they continue their studies at an American university, Davis Scholars are eligible for financial aid of 25,000 USD per year for the duration of five years. The program is primarily intended for students from low-income families.

Davis program brochure


Information about the selection process for academic year 2022/2023

Selection Process

After filling out the online application, paying the application fee and the submission of all required documents, all applicants are invited to complete a language proficiency test. Successful candidates are invited toa spontaneous essay-writing session followed by interviews with ASSIST and HMC delegates. Following the interviews, scholarship winners will receive offers by ASSIST or HMC to study in the USA or UK, depending on their preference indicated in the application.

Program Schedule

September 2023: Launch of the program, online application goes live
October 31: Early application submission deadline with a reduced 20 USD application fee. After this date the application fee will be 40 USD
November 30: Application submission deadline
December 14: Language proficiency test Duolingo
January 2024: Spontaneous handwritten essay, Interviews with successful applicants (at Bakala Foundation Student Hub)
February-March: Announcement of scholarship winners


Info lectures about ASSIST & HMC (in Czech language):

Did you miss our info lectures? Check out the recording of past webinars (below) for more information on scholarships and how to apply for them.

Recordings of past events:

24. 10. 2021 Online discussion with ASSIST Scholars about studying in USA

3. 11. 2021    Online discussion with HMC Scholars about studying in Great Britain

Follow us on Facebook or check our website for a list of all upcoming events.

Na co se můžeš těšit?


ASSIST & HMC Scholars

Get inspired by secondary school students who already obtained the scholarship.

More about our scholars


Máme s rodiči povolení k trvalému pobytu v ČR. Mohu se zúčastnit konkurzu?

Ne, program je vypsán pouze pro občany České republiky.

Studuji 3. ročník střední školy, v příštím roce maturuji. Mohu se zúčastnit konkurzu?

Ne. Bohužel nesplňujete jeden ze základních požadavků, program není určen pro studenty, kteří by v době pobytu navštěvovali maturitní ročník. Je to požadavek zahraničních partnerů.

Proč se mohou o stipendium ve Velké Británii ucházet jen studenti, kterým k 1. 9. není více než 17 let a 6 měsíců?

Důvodem je skutečnost, že povinná školní docházka v Británii začíná již v pěti letech. Je potřeba se na problém dívat z pohledu škol, respektive ubytování na internátě, stipendia jsou nabízena do předmaturitních ročníků. Pokud jste měli odklad a nastoupili jste do školy v sedmi letech, mohl by pro vás být velký věkový rozdíl mezi vámi a spolužáky nepříjemný. Věk 17 let a 6 měsíců se vztahuje k datu narození 1. 3., nicméně pokud jste narozeni v lednu či v únoru, připouští partneři, že se o stipendium ucházet můžete. V případě, že postoupíte na pohovory, bude na posouzení toho, kdo pohovory povede, zda by v konkrétním případě mohli zvážit výjimku.

Na loňském vysvědčení jsem měl/a nedostatečnou z matematiky. Mohu se zúčastnit konkurzu?

Účast v konkurzu není podmíněna průměrem prospěchu, nevylučujeme tedy ani studenty s horším průměrem nebo nedostatečnou na vysvědčení. Je však nutné upozornit, že je to pro pohovory velká nevýhoda, protože akademické výsledky jsou důležitým faktorem pro výběr. Jsou-li dva kandidáti na stejné úrovni, může být lepší akademický výsledek rozhodujícím kritériem.