
Do you support students who are just applying to university or students who have already commenced their studies abroad?

You can apply for financial support in either one of the following situations: 1. You are a high school student (junior or senior) who has yet to apply or is in the process of applying to university, or 2. You have commenced your studies at a university and you need financial help. If you succeed in the selection process in your junior year of high school, you then apply to university with our declaration of support.

The degree program I have chosen takes several years. Can I count on the support of the Bakala Foundation beyond the first academic year?

We provide financial support for the entire duration of your chosen study program – either a bachelor’s or a master’s program. At the end of each academic year, we review your academic performance along with your need for financial support. You can count on our help for the entire length of the study program as long as you maintain a high GPA and demonstrate the need for financial support.

Is the award of the scholarship associated with any obligations?

Our mission is to provide talented and determined young people with the opportunity to achieve academic success and subsequently fulfill their life goals. We hope that scholarship recipients will feel a sense of responsibility to share their experiences and be willing to lend a helping hand where needed. We also believe that our Bakala Scholars will stay in touch with us, share their life journey with us and inspire and motivate others with their story.

How will I receive the scholarship amount?

Tuition and accommodation fees are paid directly to the account of the university or the accommodation provider at the required time. The amount for living expenses (if it is also awarded to you) is transferred directly to your account.

How much scholarship money will I get and when will I know the exact amount?

The scholarship amount is determined based on the needs of each individual student. The student will know the exact amount shortly after the interviews in June.

Does the Bakala Foundation scholarship cover all the costs associated with the study program or do I have to rely on other sources of funding?

The answer depends on your specific financial situation and the costs of your chosen study program. Our goal is primarily to ease the financial burden on the family associated with studying abroad; support is therefore granted based on the needs and financial means of each individual student. As part of the selection process, we look closely at the financial situation of the student and their family, and together with the student, we draw up a budget for studying abroad. Most students co-finance their studies, for example with a scholarship directly from the university, using family savings, a loan, their own resources, etc.

Who makes up the selection committee?

The committee is comprised of people who are professionals in their respective fields of education, science, industry, and others, both from the Czech Republic and abroad. There are also people closely connected with the foundation.

In what language will the interview be conducted?

With respect to the language background of the committee members, the interview will be conducted in English.

What should I expect from the interview?

The entire interview lasts approximately twenty minutes. After a short introduction, the committee members will ask you various questions related to your application. The committee will try to get to know you as well as possible – they will be interested in the way you think, how you articulate your thoughts into words, and how you envision your future academic path.