
What does the selection process look like?

The scholarship selection is done in three rounds. In the first round, we evaluate the applications. In the second round, the degree of financial need of each student is assessed. Lastly, students who advance to the third round take part in an interview.

If I submit the application way ahead of the deadline, will that increase my chances of getting a scholarship?

The application must be submitted by the deadline indicated on the website. Submitting your application at a significantly earlier date will not affect your chances of receiving a scholarship. However, we recommend not leaving the application to the last minute because the application is quite extensive; in addition to personal data, the application also contains study plans, an essay, academic history, or letters of recommendation. For this reason, the online application is open for two months.

How important is the essay?

Very important. It tells us who you really are, how you think, and whether you can articulate your thoughts clearly. It is therefore important that the essay is solely your work. We don’t expect your English to be error-free. However, we expect that the ideas presented by you are truly your own. You can quote if you want, but always make sure you cite the author and source. Plagiarism is a clear reason for excluding the application from the assessment.

Letter of recommendation: how and when to send it? How important is it, what should it look like and in what language? Who should be the author and what if they don’t speak English? How many letters are needed?

A letter of recommendation is one of the most important parts of your application. It represents an objective assessment of your academic and personal qualities. The letter of recommendation should have a date, be addressed directly to the foundation, and should include the contact information of the person providing the recommendation so that the recommendation can be verified if necessary.

It is best to ask a current teacher or someone who knows you well to write you a recommendation letter. We are also interested in recommendations from people with whom you have worked either on campus or outside the school. If you are already at university, ask your professor, tutor, or supervisor to write you a recommendation. We advise students not to ask their language instructors or friends for recommendations. Lastly, the recommendation should be written for the purpose of this scholarship application; we advise against using a recommendation written for a different purpose.

The recommendation letter must be written in English. If the person writing your recommendation does not speak English, please provide a translation of their letter (it does not have to be a certified translation), and attach both the original and the translation.

In the application form, it is necessary to fill out the reference provider’s email address and click SEND REQUEST. The reference provider will then receive an invitation by email as well as a link for uploading the letter of recommendation to the application. An application without a letter of recommendation is considered incomplete. A maximum of two letters of recommendation can be attached to the application.

GPA: How important is my GPA? Is it necessary to state my high school GPA if I am already studying at university?

Your GPA gives the selection committee an insight into your long-term academic performance and so you need to state your high school GPA even if you are a university student. Please note, however, that GPA is just one of many requirements considered in the evaluation of your application.

Can I reapply even if I was unsuccessful in the previous year?

The answer is definitely yes. Although we cannot guarantee that you will be more successful the second time around, we have awarded a scholarship to students who have applied repeatedly in the past. It very much depends on your circumstances and the reasons why you were not successful the first time.

If I am interested in studying abroad for part or one semester, can I still get a scholarship from the Bakala Foundation?

The scholarship is intended for applicants or students of comprehensive bachelor’s or master’s programs at universities abroad. It cannot be used to finance study trips, exchange programs, or internships. In the application, it is necessary to indicate the specific university and program, as well as the length of the study. If you are just applying to universities, you have the option to fill in more options that you are considering in your application.

Can I apply to the Bakala Foundation Scholarship program along with applying for scholarships from other foundations?

Yes. It is quite common for students to seek funding from more than one source. There are several foundations operating in the Czech Republic whose generous support enables talented young people to study abroad. It is not a problem if a student applies for funding from other foundations or other sources.

I have already studied abroad in the past. Is this an advantage or disadvantage in the selection process?

Having studied abroad is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage in the Scholarship selection process. Many students who have been granted our support have spent some time studying abroad while in high school. However, there are also many students who have never studied abroad and have also been awarded a scholarship. The same can be said for college students. While there are students already studying abroad with the help of other foundations, university scholarships, or family who need our help to continue funding their studies, there are also students who have completed a bachelor’s degree in the Czech Republic and are applying for a master’s degree abroad.